Saturday, October 25, 2008

About Me

I'm a mom first, wife second, crafter third. My best friend is a glue gun (after you, of course, Mary Alice). And I get so obsessed with my hobbies my husband sometimes gets jealous. Other moms don't like me much- they think I over-achieve with my projects. Sometimes their own kids say they are happy when I attend their parties (because of all the treats I bring).
I have 4 kids- a 17 year old boy, a 6 year old girl, a 2 year old boy and a 10 month old baby girl. When I had my two little ones most crafting went on hold. I would squeeze in a quilt every Christmas and then some balloon decorations for my daughter's preschool but that was about it. I was restless- I wanted to do more. I had crafting withdrawal.
As things would have it, we relocated to another country. And over here in my new home town, I was able to afford hiring household help. With nannies and cooks, I now have time to engage in my hobbies; and possibly put up a business using my skills. With the extra free time, moreover, I realized I could share my ideas with other parents out there. So instead of being envious of my talent, other moms (and dads) can discover their hidden talents and amaze their own kids and their kids' friends too! I hope you enjoy reading my entries and learning from them. Believe me, mine is a learning journey as well.
Happy (and fun) parenting!

24/7 mom